JoJo's Happy Hour!
A Little About Me...
I worked in retail for 20 years but I always felt I was meant for something more. Like so many people, when covid hit I wanted to change my life. I wasn't sure what to do but I quickly decided to follow my dreams of being on the radio! I enrolled in a hands on media school and my life has been incredible ever since! I haven't landed my on-air job just yet (but I do work at a radio station) & I FINALLY decided to create a podcast that finds the funny in almost everything.
On each episode of my weekly show, I’ll be bringing you the weird, funny and fascinating stories that are all around us... so cheers to you for being here and cheers to what's to come!
This Week...
Who I'm interviewing
what they do
a brief description of THE episode
Coming Up...
who iam interviewing next week
what they do!...